Guest Writers

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I would like to make a place on my website for guest posts and feature other people's writings. I know that people write about things I don't have personal experience with and I would like to share writings from other people's blogs, and even if you don't have a Blog and would like to submit something that you've written, I would love to share that as well. I had this idea last night when I was looking at several topics that I've saved to write on in my blog.

I would be happy to post and guest writings on my website and then share that writing with my Facebook pages and support groups. If you have a Blog or Website, even if you're just starting out, or even if you've had it for a while, you can include the link and I will share that as well. Additionally, I would be happy to share any writings that you email me, with or without a Blog or Website. I can also share Instagram accounts and any social media accounts you want to attach to your writing. I would just like to feature guest artists and their writing because I feel like it's really really important, especially to The Chronic Illness Community.

If you are interested in submitting any of your writing, you can email it to me:

I know that I'm not an editor and I don't have a degree in literature. However, I have been published in two scientific journals, and I have written the emergency response manual for the water department of the EPA. I have had poetry published at 15. Additionally, I've had an article published in The Mighty.

I just don't talk about where I've been published because it doesn't help with GP since it's not related. I've been published numerous times and my blog was one of the first of its kind and when I was first diagnosed in 2012, because there was barely anything online at the time about GP. United Healthcare uses my blog as a telephonic resource for new patients, and as well as doctors, therapists, acupuncturists, and other professionals have given my blog out to patients.

My goal, and what I really want to do is that I want to build back up the idea that was first put towards the Gastroparesis Community in the very beginning - that all of us should work together and help each other. I want to help others and learn new things that I may not have personal experiences with. I want to rebuild that part of the Gastroparesis Community that has gotten lost, somehow. I want to feature other people’s writings, because you never know whose life you may touch with your words, or even change. Writing has always been a coping mechanism of mine, so when I was diagnosed, I wanted to find a way to use my voice to help others.

I want to work with other writers and to be able to build up a relationship with other people, so if people in my support groups have a specific question, and I know a writer with that personal experience, I can refer the person to them. We may all be working differently, but we all want the same goal - more awareness leading to research for better Gastroparesis treatments that are not invasive and can cause irreparable harm, and hopefully, one day, a cure.

Again, if you are interested in submitting your writing to be placed on this website, please email your article to:, along with your Blog, Website, and any Social Media links you would like me to post so that people can be directed towards it. I look forward to working with all of you soon!


Sick & Sarcastic

This was submitted by Kasey Downey. She writes, “This blog is about my own personal experiences and coping mechanisms with gastroparesis, diabetes, mental health and sexual violence. It is mostly to help others in similar situations find common ground and know they are not alone in the struggle.“


Episode 1: An Introduction

Updated: a day ago

Let me start off by saying this: I like to think I’m funny. Be it because of my morbid sense of humor or because everyone is laughing at and not with me. I also like to think I am creative. Out of the two, I can definitely say I am the latter. But that whole “funny” thing, well. Let’s just say it’s probably not very true. In this series of blog posts you’re going to read a lot of bad jokes and a lot of what may seem like whining (and it probably is). But I assure you, I mean well and am trying to do my part to provide a sense of community among people in similar situations as me. It’s nice to know you’re not alone.

I’m 25, turning 26 on June 22nd/2019. This is to say that my physical appearance is 25/26. My body, however, runs at the same level as an 82 year old’s. When I was 11 I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. If you don’t know much about diabetes, Type 1 basically means hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and therefore insulin dependent. As a child it was extremely nerve wracking to be introduced to daily injections and finger pricks. You get your big, round ass I cried. But if I thought that sucked, oh boy was I in for a treat in my adult years. For the last three and a half years, I have been living with Diabetic Gastroparesis.

Gastroparesis is exactly what it sounds like. A paralyzed stomach. Delayed gastric emptying. Digestive tract paralysis. What this means for me is a lot of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, cluster headaches, malnourishment, erratic blood sugar levels, depression and anxiety. Some medications help and two years ago I turned to medicinal marijuana as the pills just weren’t cutting it. I’ve always enjoyed a little puff here and there but my LORD did being on medicinal cannabis make a world of difference in my symptoms. Many of my blog posts will be pertaining to gastroparesis, diabetes, and all the bullshit that comes along with it.

Another topic I will be writing about is mental health. This part of the blog stems from a somewhat selfish need to vent but also to provide a reminder that, if you’re feeling sad or anxious or depressed, you aren’t alone and should reach out for any support you can find. Mental health has such a terrible stigma around it and I’m sick of letting it control my life. As I learn and grow myself I will be posting tips & tricks that I have found helpful in coping with chronic illness and mental health and how they can feed off of each other in negative ways.

Please be warned that I intend on discussing some topics such as abuse and sexual violence. Sexual violence is something that I and millions of other women deal with on an almost daily basis. There is a lot of work to do surrounding equality, women’s rights, and bodily autonomy and talking about it is a great way to promote change. It’s time for a goddamn revolution!

Lastly, I hope to inspire you guys to ask questions, seek help, whatever you think you need. Although I started this blog on the recommendation of a friend to help me release some of my feelings. I’d love to hear from you guys and try to answer any questions you may have. In the near future I will do a quick summary post of who I am, what my interests are and how I handle the loss of the person I was before illness.

Stay hydrated. Be Kind.


Please visit her blog for more information and for more writings to come:

Please visit her blog for more information and for more writings to come: